On Tuesday morning, authorities in Kagadi took into custody the driver of a government vehicle allegedly involved in a fatal accident on February 26, resulting in the tragic death of 25-year-old protester Tuhaise Magezi in Muhorro Town Council.
Julius Hakiiza, the spokesperson for the Albertine region police, confirmed the arrest, identifying the driver as Steven Tibihikira, aged 38. Hakiiza also noted that the vehicle, owned by the local government, had been impounded.
In a statement, Hakiiza urged against politicizing the incident and cautioned against falsely accusing the district chairman. He clarified that the driver, an employee of Kagadi District, was merely performing his job duties.
Police clarified that the vehicle involved was assigned to the Kagadi District Health Office and not to the district chairman, Yosia Ndibwami, who was present in the car at the time of the accident.
Investigations into the circumstances surrounding the incident were ongoing as of Tuesday, particularly along the Muhorro-Ndaiga Road.
Authorities emphasized that the demonstration leading to the accident was illegal as it lacked authorization from the police. They urged the public to utilize appropriate channels to address grievances instead of taking matters into their own hands.
The driver is expected to face charges related to causing death, while the detained demonstrators will be charged with holding an illegal assembly.
Joseph Akugizibwe, the road user and chairperson of the local boda-boda association, explained that the protest stemmed from frustration with the poor condition of the road, which the government had failed to tarmac despite a four-year-old promise.
Magezi Akugizibwe, the elder brother of the deceased, expressed disappointment with the leadership for not addressing community concerns and resorting to tragic outcomes instead of fulfilling demands.