The well-known comedian, part of the popular Maulana and Reign comedy duo, is under scrutiny following accusations of neglecting his three children, intensifying the longstanding family issues that have lingered in the media. Maulana has been consistently accused of engaging in multiple relationships with different women, all while allegedly abandoning his paternal responsibilities.
Last year, Maulana’s father-in-law took the stage, shedding light on Maulana’s disrespectful behavior towards his wife over an extended period. The revelation included the unsettling claim that Maulana was the one neglecting his familial duties, leaving his wife and children without proper care while pursuing extramarital affairs.
Despite a period of relative quiet, recent developments indicate that the situation is far from resolved. Maulana’s wife has come forward, exposing the comedian for neglecting her and their three children. She shared the significant effort she has put into caring for the children on her own, expressing feelings of overwhelm and fatigue. In a plea for responsibility, she called on Maulana to step up and fulfill his role as a responsible father.
“I am married to Maulana, but he has been absent from our lives with these three children. He has neglected us for several months now. I want him to step up and fulfill his responsibilities as a father,” Maulana’s wife candidly revealed, highlighting the strain and challenges faced by the neglected family.